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Serve the public and your challenge is our progress

Monday, 30 May 2011

Management Department

Ir.  SAMUELA LOALOA VUKICEA – Head of Management Department
Address : Lot 1&2 , Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN,  43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Telephone: 03-89622279
Mobile: 0169120202
NRIC No: 745227
Date of Birth: 28th July 1966
Gender: Male
Nationality: Fijian
Marital Status: Married
Health: Good Health

1979 – 1984:  Wesley College, Auckland, New Zealand
1985 – 1989:  University of Auckland, B Sc Hons Civil Eng
1990 – 1992:  Universiti Tenaga Nasional, MSc Civil Eng (Structural)
1995:  Registered P.Eng and MIEM

1993 – 1996: Jabatan Kerja Raja Malaysia (JKR), Civil Eng Dept
1997 – 1999: MRCB Corps, Head Project Management and Construction Dept
2001 – Present: Founder and Project Manager of SL Engineering Consultant Sdn Bhd

Teamwork: Head of project management and construction team for 3 years
Design:  Experience in structural and bridge design for 10 years

Organization Chart

Scope of Services
Feasibility studies
üPre-investment studies, planning surveys and  management services
Project Management
üPlanning, co-ordination and control of all activities on a project in terms of cost, time and function   
 to ensure that the client’s objectives are met.
Project Planning
üEconomic and feasibility studies, preliminary engineering design and establishment of contractual arrangements for optimum results. Cost estimates and economic evaluation of alternatives. Advice on site selection, construction methods, structures and equipment.
Engineering Design
üSurveying and foundation investigation. Research on behavior of materials. Detailed design, drawings and specifications. Cost estimates and time schedules.
            Tender Arrangements
 üPreparation of tender documents, registration of  tenderers, invitation to tender and orders to nominated sub-contractors. Tender evaluation, interview tenderers and recommendations. Preparation of contract documents.
            Contract Administration  
üFinancial control, payment certificates and settlement of accounts co-ordination of multi-contract projects. Time and cost control. Progress reports and settlement of claims.

Range of Expertise
Contract Administration
Financial control, payment certificates and settlement of accounts co-ordination of multi-contract projects. Time and cost control. Progress reports and settlement of claims.
Supervision of Construction
Quality control and inspection of fabrication and construction. Expediting shop inspection and status reports. Pro and vision of resident engineer, supervisors and inspectors.
Advisory Activities
Design reviews and independent design checks, certification procedure and expert advice in all areas of the Firm’s expertise.

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